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Vital Tradition Podcast

Vital Tradition is a beginner's guide to the outdoors. Learn how to hunt and fish by listening to our trials and tribulations as we figure out hunting and fishing as adults and newbies. In the pilot episode, we cover both fishing and hunting topics ranging from safety and gear, then feature tips and tactics to get someone started hunting or fishing today.  

Listen to find out what it means to "let the fish tell you what they want", what color to wear in the woods, what is the ultimate 1-rod bass fishing set up, and why you should just stop muskie fishing before you even start. 

Even though we focus on first-hand experience learning new things in the outdoors, we still feature some valuable information for intermediate or advanced hunters and anglers. Tune in to gain insight from some of our highs and lows as we hope to shorten the learning curve for your next outdoor adventure.

Pass on your passion for the outdoors and start your own Vital Tradition today!

Hosted on Buzzsprout and available on all your podcast streaming services!

©2020 by Vital Tradition.

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Make Memories Outdoors

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